Psyberia Egregor 应用

Vladimir Nabokov. Lolita 1.0
Psyberia Egregor
Vladimir Nabokov. LolitaFOREWORD"Lolita, or the Confession of a White Widowed Male," such werethe two titles under which the writer of the present note receivedthe strange pages it preambulates. "Humbert Humbert," their author,had died in legal captivity, of coronary thrombosis, on November16, 1952, a few days before his trial was scheduled to start. Hislawyer, my good friend and relation, Clarence Choate Clark, Esq.,now of he District of Columbia bar, in asking me to edit themanuscript, based his request on a clause in his client's willwhich empowered my eminent cousin to use the discretion in allmatters pertaining to the preparation of "Lolita" for print. Mr.Clark's decision may have been influenced by the fact that theeditor of his choice had just been awarded the Poling Prize for amodest work ("Do the Senses make Sense?") wherein certain morbidstates and perversions had been discussed.My task proved simpler than either of us had anticipated. Save forthe correction of obvious solecisms and a careful suppression of afew tenacious details that despite "H.H."'s own efforts stillsubsisted in his text as signposts and tombstones (indicative ofplaces or persons that taste would conceal and compassion spare),this remarkable memoir is presented intact. Its author's bizarrecognomen is his own invention; and, of course, this mask-throughwhich two hypnotic eyes seem to glow-had to remain unlifted inaccordance with its wearer's wish. While "Haze" only rhymes withthe heroine's real surname, her first name is too closelyinterwound with the inmost fiber of the book to allow one to alterit; nor (as the reader will perceive for himself) is there anypractical necessity to do so. References to "H.H."'s crime may belooked up by the inquisitive in the daily papers forSeptember-October 1952; its cause and purpose would have continuedto come under my reading lamp.For the benefit of old-fashioned readers who wish to follow thedestinies of the "real" people beyond the "true" story, a fewdetails may be given as received from Mr. "Windmuller," or"Ramsdale," who desires his identity suppressed so that "the longshadow of this sorry and sordid business" should not reach thecommunity to which he is proud to belong. His daughter, "Louise,"is by now a college sophomore, "Mona Dahl" is a student in Paris."Rita" has recently married the proprietor of a hotel in Florida.Mrs. "Richard F. Schiller" died in childbed, giving birth to astillborn girl, on Christmas Day 1952, in Gray Star, a settlemen inthe remotest Northwest. "Vivian Darkbloom" has written a biography,"My Cue," to be publshed shortly, and critics who have perused themanuscript call it her best book. The caretakers of the variouscemeteries involved report that no ghosts walk.Viewed simply as a novel, "Lolita" deals with situations andemotions that would remain exasperatingly vague to the reader hadtheir expression been etiolated by means of platitudinous evasions.True, not a single obscene term is to be found in the whole work;indeed, the robust philistine who is conditioned by modernconventions into accepting without qualms a lavish array offour-letter words in a banal novel, will be quite shocked by theirabsence here. If, however, for this paradoxical prude's comfort, aneditor attempted to dilute or omit scenes that a certain type ofmind might call "aphrodisiac" (see in this respect the monumentaldecision rendered December 6, 1933, by Hon. John M. Woolsey inregard to another, considerably more outspoken, book), one wouldhave to forego the publication of "Lolita" altogether, since thosevery scenes that one might inpetly accuse of sensuous existence oftheir own, are the most strictly functional ones in the developmentof a tragic tale tending unsweri\vingly to nothing less than amoral apotheosis.
Кровавое наследие Diablo – 1 1.0
Psyberia Egregor
Ричард КнаакКровавое наследиеDiablo – 1«Кроваво наследие»: Азбука-классика; СПб.; 2006ISBN 5-352-01884-9Оригинал: Richard A. Knaak, “Legacy of Blood”Перевод: Валерия ДвининаАннотацияНикто не может знать наперёд, куда заведут его поискитаинственных сокровищ. Никто не может быть уверен в том, что удачнопреодолел все препятствия на своём пути в пещерах, полныхмагических ловушек.Вряд ли об этом задумывался Норрек Вижаран, когда в компании двухсвоих друзей нарушил покой гробницы в поисках несметных богатств.Знал ли он тогда, что тот, чей сон так бесцеремонно потревожили,ещё напомнит о себе?Ведь хозяин гробницы — могущественный Бартук, легендарный КровавыйПолководец, — спрятал здесь самое ценное, что у него было, —магические доспехи, жаждущие крови. Это «кровавое наследие» идосталось Норреку. Теперь он может стать властелином целого мира!Но вот захочет ли поддаться дьявольскому искушению? Будет ли онпреемником Кровавого Полководца? Его выбор поистине не прост, статьспасителем человечества или же олицетворением ада на земле.Richard KnaakThe bloody legacyDiablo - 1"Blood Heritage": ABC-Classic, St. Petersburg., 2006ISBN 5-352-01884-9Original: Richard A. Knaak, "Legacy of Blood"Translation: Valeria DvininAbstractNo one can know in advance where to find him zavedut mysterioustreasures. No one can be sure of is that which has overcome all theobstacles in its path in a cave full of magical traps.Hardly thought about it Norrek Vizharan when in the company of twofriends broke the peace of the tomb in search of untold riches. Didhe know then that he whose sleep is so unceremoniously disturbed,even remind yourself?After all, the owner of the tomb - the mighty Bartuk, the legendaryBlood Warlord - put here the most precious thing he had - a robe,hungry for blood. This "bloody legacy" and got Norreku. Now he canbe lord of the whole world! But now want to succumb to thetemptation of the devil? Will he succeed Bloody Leader? His choiceis not really easy to become the savior of mankind, or thepersonification of hell on earth.
Восхождение Орды. Мир Warcraft 1.0
Psyberia Egregor
Книга из серии мира Warcraft, для ценителейжанра...-------------------Меня зовут Тралл. Это значит "раб" на языке людей, и история,которая стоит за моим именем, столь длинна, что её лучше приберечьдо следующего раза. С благословения духов и из-за крови героев,которая течет во мне, я стал Вождем своего народа, орков, и лидеромсодружества рас, известного как Орда. Как это произошло – тожесовсем другая история. Я хочу сохранить этот рассказ для потомков,пока его очевидцы не присоединились к своим благородными предкам,это история моего отца и тех, кто верил в него; и тех, кто предалего и весь наш народ.Book of World SeriesWarcraft, for lovers of the genre ...-------------------My name is Thrall. It means "slave" in the language of the peopleand the history that is behind my name is so long that it is bestto reserve the next time. With the blessings of the spirits, andbecause of the blood of heroes that flows in me, I became a leaderof his people, Orcs, and the leader of the Commonwealth of races,known as the Horde. As it happened - is also another story. I wantto keep this story for posterity, as his witnesses did not join hisnoble ancestors, this is the story of my father and those whobelieved in him, and those who betrayed him and all of ourpeople.
Боевая Магия 1.1
Psyberia Egregor
Очень интересная книга "Боевая магия" из сериитехнология управления человеческим сознанием. Интересная история оопыте «Кот Шредингера»... Примеры психопрактик при общении спредставителями гоп культуры...A very interesting book"Battle Magic" series of technology management of the human mind.Interesting story about the experience of "Schrödinger's cat" ...Examples psihopraktik when dealing with the hop culture ...
Crime and Punishment 1.0
Psyberia Egregor
Dostoevsky was the son of a doctor. Hisparents were very hard-workingand deeply religious people, but so poor that they lived with theirfivechildren in only two rooms. The father and mother spent theireveningsin reading aloud to their children, generally from books of aseriouscharacter.Though always sickly and delicate Dostoevsky came out third inthefinal examination of the Petersburg school of Engineering. There hehadalready begun his first work, "Poor Folk."This story was published by the poet Nekrassov in his reviewandwas received with acclamations. The shy, unknown youth foundhimselfinstantly something of a celebrity. A brilliant and successfulcareerseemed to open before him, but those hopes were soon dashed. In1849 hewas arrested.Though neither by temperament nor conviction a revolutionist,Dostoevskywas one of a little group of young men who met together to readFourierand Proudhon. He was accused of "taking part in conversationsagainstthe censorship, of reading a letter from Byelinsky to Gogol, andofknowing of the intention to set up a printing press." UnderNicholasI. (that "stern and just man," as Maurice Baring calls him) thiswasenough, and he was condemned to death. After eight months'imprisonmenthe was with twenty-one others taken out to the Semyonovsky Squaretobe shot. Writing to his brother Mihail, Dostoevsky says: "Theysnappedwords over our heads, and they made us put on the white shirts wornbypersons condemned to death. Thereupon we were bound in threes tostakes,to suffer execution. Being the third in the row, I concluded I hadonlya few minutes of life before me. I thought of you and your dearones andI contrived to kiss Plestcheiev and Dourov, who were next to me,and tobid them farewell. Suddenly the troops beat a tattoo, we wereunbound,brought back upon the scaffold, and informed that his Majesty hadsparedus our lives." The sentence was commuted to hard labour.One of the prisoners, Grigoryev, went mad as soon as he wasuntied, andnever regained his sanity.The intense suffering of this experience left a lasting stamponDostoevsky's mind. Though his religious temper led him in the endtoaccept every suffering with resignation and to regard it as ablessingin his own case, he constantly recurs to the subject in hiswritings.He describes the awful agony of the condemned man and insists onthecruelty of inflicting such torture. Then followed four years ofpenalservitude, spent in the company of common criminals in Siberia,wherehe began the "Dead House," and some years of service in adisciplinarybattalion.
Psyberia Egregor
Библия – это Слово, данное Богом и записанноелюдьми. «Все Писание богодухновенно и полезно для научения, дляобличения, для исправления, для наставления в праведности»(2Тим.3:16). Библия состоит именно из неповрежденных, неизмененныхпророчеств и исторических фактов, связанных с реализацией Божьегоплана по спасению человечества.Почему мы можем доверять Библии? На этот вопрос есть ответ всамом Священном Писании, где хорошо проиллюстрирован процесспоявления отдельных её глав и частей:«В четвертый год Иоакима, сына Иосии, царя Иудейского, былотакое слово к Иеремии от Господа: возьми себе книжный свиток инапиши в нем все слова, которые Я говорил тебе об Израиле и об Иудеи о всех народах с того дня, как Я начал говорить тебе, от днейИосии до сего дня» (Иер.36:1).Библия дана Богом на все времена, и нет никакой другой книги,заменяющей ее. Приведу пример. Бог создал человека, но тот совершилгрех. Однако, несмотря на это, Бог не сотворил другое разумноесущество вместо человека. Так и, написав через Своих пророковБиблию, Бог ничего другого в качестве Своего Слова больше непосылал.The Bible - the Word ofGod-given and recorded by people. "All Scripture is inspired by Godand profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, forinstruction in righteousness" (2Tim.3: 16). The Bible consists ofexactly intact, unaltered prophecy and historical facts related tothe implementation of God's plan to save mankind.Why can we trust the Bible? This question has an answer in theScriptures, where the process is well illustrated by the appearanceof its individual chapters and sections:"In the fourth year of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah, king ofJudah, this word came to Jeremiah from the Lord, Take thee a rollof a book, and write therein all the words that I have spoken untothee against Israel, and against Judah, and against all thenations, from the day that I spake unto thee, from the days ofJosiah, even unto this day "(Ier.36: 1).The Bible is from God at all times, and there is no other bookthat will replace it. Here is an example. God created man, but hehad committed a sin. However, despite this, God did not makeanother intelligent being rather than the person. So, writing theBible through His prophets, God is nothing else as His Word is nolonger sent.
Psyberia Egregor
ЖИЗНЕОПИСАНИЕ ПОСЛАННИКА АЛЛАХАСАФИ ар-РАХМАН аль-МУБАРКФУРИХвала Аллаху, Господу миров, и да пребудут благословения и мирдо самого дня Воскресения над достойнейшим из Его посланников ипоследним из Его пророков, правдивым и верным Мухаммадом,направленным, ко всем белым и чёрным, над членами его семьи и надего сподвижниками, подхватившими знамя Ислама, над теми имамами,властителями, людьми, посвятившими себя Исламскому призыву,богобоязненными и праведными, которые последовали за ними с чистымисердцами, а также над всеми теми, кто пошел их путем!--------------------LIFE OF Messenger ofAllahSAFI al-Rahman al-MUBARKFURIPraise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds, and may blessings andpeace be upon until the day of the Resurrection of the most worthyof His messengers and the last of the prophets, truthful andfaithful Muhammad directed to all black and white, over the membersof his family and of his associates, picked flag of Islam overthose imams rulers, people who have dedicated themselves to theIslamic call, God-fearing and righteous, who followed them withpure hearts and upon all those who went their way!--------------------
Доктор Живаго, Пастернак Б. Л. 1.0
Psyberia Egregor
«Доктор Живаго» — роман Бориса Пастернака.«Доктор Живаго» создавался в течение десяти лет, с 1945 по 1955год, и является вершиной его творчества как прозаика. Романсопровождён стихами главного героя — Юрия Андреевича Живаго.Рисуя широкое полотно жизни российской интеллигенции на фонедраматического периода от начала столетия до Великой Отечественнойвойны, сквозь призму биографии доктора-поэта книга затрагиваеттайну жизни и смерти, проблемы русской истории, интеллигенции иреволюции, христианства, еврейства.Книга была резко негативно встречена советской официальнойлитературной средой и отвергнута от печати из-за неоднозначнойпозиции автора по отношению к Октябрьской революции 1917 года ипоследующей жизни страны."Doctor Zhivago" - anovel by Boris Pasternak. "Doctor Zhivago" was created over tenyears, from 1945 to 1955, and is the pinnacle of his work as awriter. Roman poetry accompanied by the protagonist - YuriAndreyevich Zhivago.Drawing broad canvas of life against the backdrop of the Russianintelligentsia dramatic period from the beginning of the century toWorld War II, through the prism of the doctor-poet biography bookaddresses the mystery of life and death, problems of Russianhistory, intellectuals and the Revolution, Christianity,Judaism.The book was met with strong opposition from the official Sovietliterary milieu and rejected due to print ambiguous position of theauthor in relation to the October Revolution of 1917 and thesubsequent life of the country.
Велесова книга 1.0
Psyberia Egregor
Велесова книга - это книга содержачащаячастицы Древней Славянско-Арийской Мудрости сохраненнойновгородскими волхвами девятого века, в основном посвященная богубогатства и мудрости древних славян Велесу, как его неправильноназывают многие из современных ученых "скотьему богу". В книгеотражена история многих европейских и азиатских народов (примерноот второго тысячелетия до нашей эры до девятого века нашей эры),причем историками она признана абсолютно достоверным историческимдокументом, соответствующим многим современным историческимпредставлением о тех древних и загадочных временах. Загадочна итрагична история обретения ее. Во время гражданской войны офицербелой армии Изенбек нашел в имении князей Куракиных дощечки сдревнеславянскими записями. Он увез их за границу, решив спасти.Затем в Брюсселе писатель Миролюбов около 15 лет переписывал ирасшифровывал эти записи. Он переписал 75% текста. Во время второймировой войны после смерти Изенбека весь его архив пропал,вероятно, сгорел. Остались лишь записи Миролюбова и фотографияодной дощечки.Veles book - a booksoderzhachaschaya particles ancient Slavic-Aryan Wisdom Novgorodsaved by the wise men of the ninth century, mainly dedicated to thegod of wealth and wisdom of the ancient Slavic Veles, as itincorrectly referred to many of today's scientists "cattle god."The book covers the history of many European and Asian nations(roughly from the second millennium BC to the ninth century AD),and it is recognized by historians absolutely reliable historicaldocument relevant to many modern historical presentation about theancient and mysterious times. Mysterious and tragic story offinding her. During the Civil War, the White Army officer Izenbekfound in the estate of princes Kurakins plates with ancient Slavicrecords. He took them abroad, determined to save. Then, in BrusselsMirolyubov writer for about 15 years and rewrote transcribe theserecords. He has written over 75% of the text. During the SecondWorld War, after the death of his entire archive Izenbeka lost,probably burned out. There were only recording Mirolyubova and apicture of one plank.
Пол и характер. Отто Вейнингер 1.0
Psyberia Egregor
Отто Вейнингер - известный австрийскийфилософ. Книга "Пол и характер" - главная его работа, до сих поростающаяся культовой. Она написана с натурфилософских позиций ипредставляет собой глобальное исследование "мужского" и "женского"начала в человеке. "Пол и характер" - одна из самых скандальныхкниг в психоанализе.Знаменитое философско-психологическое исследование, на многие годыопередившее свое время, в котором, используя блестящее знаниепсихологии, истории, философии, автор приходит к неожиданным,ошеломляющим выводам.Содержание:Отто Вейнингер. Пол и характерЧасть первая. Введение. Половое многообразиеГлава I. «Мужчины» и «женщины»Глава II. Arrhenoplasma и thelyplasmaГлава III. Законы полового притяженияГлава IV. Гомосексуальность и педерастияГлава V. Характерология и морфологияГлава VI. Эмансипированные женщиныЧасть вторая. Половые типыГлава I. Мужчина и женщинаГлава II. Мужская и женская сексуальностьГлава III. Мужское и женское сознаниеГлава IV. Дарование и гениальностьГлава V. Дарование и памятьГлава VI. Память, логика, этикаГлава VII. Логика, этика, ЯГлава VIII. Проблема «Я» и гениальностьГлава IX. Мужская и женская психологияГлава Х. Материнство и проституцияГлава XI. Эротика и эстетикаГлава XII. Сущность женщины и ее смысл во вселеннойГлава XIII. ЕврействоГлава XIV. Женщина и человечествоOtto Weininger - thefamous Austrian philosopher. The book "Sex and Character" - hismain work remains to this day a cult. It is written with thenatural philosophical positions and is a global study of "male" and"female" in man. "Sex and Character" - one of the mostcontroversial books in psychoanalysis.The famous philosophical and psychological research for many yearsahead of his time, in which, using excellent knowledge ofpsychology, history, philosophy, the author comes to a sudden,stunning conclusions.Contents:    Otto Weininger. Sex and Character    Part one. Introduction. Sexualdiversity    Chapter I. "Men" and "women"    Chapter II. Arrhenoplasma andthelyplasma    Chapter III. The laws of sexualattraction    Chapter IV. Homosexuality andpederasty    Chapter V. Characterology andmorphology    Chapter VI. Emancipated women    Part two. Types of sex    Chapter I. A man and a woman    Chapter II. Men's and women'ssexuality    Chapter III. Male and femaleconsciousness    Chapter IV. Talent and genius    Chapter V. Talent and memory    Chapter VI. Memory, logic, ethics    Chapter VII. Logic, ethics, I    Chapter VIII. The problem of "I" and thegenius    Chapter IX. Male and femalepsychology    Chapter X. Motherhood andProstitution    Chapter XI. Sensuality and aesthetics    Chapter XII. The essence of a woman and hersense of the universe    Chapter XIII. Jewry    Chapter XIV. Woman and humanity
Коран 1.0
Psyberia Egregor
Чья речь прекраснее, чем речь того, ктопризывает к Аллаху, поступает праведно и говорит: «Воистину, я –один из мусульман»? Воистину, религией у Аллаха являетсяислам.Коран на русском языке. Смысловой перевод с арабского выполнен вполном соответствии с печатным изданием Священного Корана, иодобрен к изданию, председателем Совета муфтиев России, муфтиемшейхом Равилем Гайнутдином.Whose speech is morebeautiful than we are the one who calls to Allah, worksrighteousness, and says, "Verily, I - one of the Muslims"? Truly,the religion with Allah is Islam.Quran in Russian. Semantic translation from the Arabic is in fullcompliance with the printed edition of the Holy Qur'an, and isapproved for publication, the chairman of the Council of Muftis ofRussia, Mufti Sheikh Ravil Gainutdin.
Dracula by Bram Stoker [Full] 1.0
Psyberia Egregor
All day long we seemed to dawdle through acountry which was full of beauty of every kind. Sometimes we sawlittle towns or castles on the top of steep hills such as we see inold missals; sometimes we ran by rivers and streams which seemedfrom the wide stony margin on each side of them to be subject togreat floods. It takes a lot of water, and running strong, to sweepthe outside edge of a river clear.At every station there were groups of people, sometimes crowds,and in all sorts of attire. Some of them were just like thepeasants at home or those I saw coming through France and Germany,with short jackets, and round hats, and home-made trousers; butothers were very picturesque.The women looked pretty, except when you got near them, but theywere very clumsy about the waist. They had all full white sleevesof some kind or other, and most of them had big belts with a lot ofstrips of something fluttering from them like the dresses in aballet, but of course there were petticoats under them.The strangest figures we saw were the Slovaks, who were morebarbarian than the rest, with their big cow-boy hats, great baggydirty-white trousers, white linen shirts, and enormous heavyleather belts, nearly a foot wide, all studded over with brassnails. They wore high boots, with their trousers tucked into them,and had long black hair and heavy black moustaches. They are verypicturesque, but do not look prepossessing. On the stage they wouldbe set down at once as some old Oriental band of brigands. Theyare, however, I am told, very harmless and rather wanting innatural self-assertion.It was on the dark side of twilight when we got to Bistritz,which is a very interesting old place. Being practically on thefrontier—for the Borgo Pass leads from it into Bukovina—it has hada very stormy existence, and it certainly shows marks of it. Fiftyyears ago a series of great fires took place, which made terriblehavoc on five separate occasions. At the very beginning of theseventeenth century it underwent a siege of three weeks and lost13,000 people, the casualties of war proper being assisted byfamine and disease.Count Dracula had directed me to go to the Golden Krone Hotel,which I found, to my great delight, to be thoroughly old-fashioned,for of course I wanted to see all I could of the ways of thecountry.I was evidently expected, for when I got near the door I faced acheery-looking elderly woman in the usual peasant dress—whiteundergarment with a long double apron, front, and back, of colouredstuff fitting almost too tight for modesty. When I came close shebowed and said, ‘The Herr Englishman?’‘Yes,’ I said, ‘Jonathan Harker.’She smiled, and gave some message to an elderly man in whiteshirtsleeves, who had followed her to the door.
Graipfruit anonChat знакомства 12.1
Psyberia Egregor
Анонимный чат GraipfruitОбщение тет-а-тет с новыми людьми, полностью анонимно.Версия 2.1Используя наш анонимный чат, Вы соглашаетесь со следующимиусловиями:1. Не используйте чат если вам нет 18-и лет2. В чате не допускаются оскорбления, сексуальные домогательства,публикация персональных данных.3. Иные действия нарушающие законодательство Вашей страны.4. В нашем анонимном чате нет регистрации, нет паролей и нетстрогой модерации.5. Разрешена отправка фото.Анонимный чат для быстрого, анонимного общения со случайнымсобеседником.Все полученные в чате фото сохраняются в файловой системе вашегоустройства, по адресу/mnt/sdcard/req_images/Image-[random_name].jpgСохраненные вами логи находятся в папке /mnt/sdcard/chat_log/log_[дата_сохранения].txtЧто нового:- Разрешена отправка фото- Добавлена возможность сохранить перепискуAnonymous chatGraipfruitTalk face-to-face with new people, completely anonymously.Version 2.1    Using our anonymous chat, you agree to thefollowing conditions:    1. Do not use the chat room if you areunder 18 years old    2. In the chat are not allowed abuse,sexual harassment, publication of personal data.    3. Other actions violate the laws of yourcountry.    4. In our anonymous chat No registration,no passwords, no strict moderation.    5. Allow send photos.Anonymous Chat quick, anonymous communication with theoccasional companion.All received chatting photos are stored in the file system ofyour device at /mnt/sdcard/req_images/Image-[random_name].jpgSaved your logs are located in the / mnt / sdcard / chat_log /log_ [data_sohraneniya] .txtWhat's new:- Allow send photos- Added the ability to save the conversation
HypnoBox Internet Radio 2.0
Psyberia Egregor
We are pleased to introduce the applicationHypnoBox - Internet Radio,a program for listening to a huge number of Internet radio stationsonline.A huge number of radio stations of different genres and styles areavailable in a small and fast player.The uniqueness of our project is that all the radio stations inthe list, you can listen at low speed internetwhile preserving high sound quality.You are driving in the car or relaxing in nature - listen to theairwaves anywhere there is mobile internet (at a rate of 24 kbit /s). Streams stations are optimized for listening in a "bad"Internet.The player who economize on battery power.Discover the many online broadcasts. Dance club and radio forelectronic music fans.News radio - for those who wish to keep abreast ofdevelopments.In the catalog are available broadcast stations from around theworld.
LuckyBox - Internet Radio 4.6.2
Psyberia Egregor
LuckyBox - Internet Radio - program to listenInternet radioWiFi radio. Popular radio stations broadcasting on the Internetare now housed in our radio player.Listen to Internet radio on Android has become even moreconvenient with the player - LuckyBox - Internet Radio.All channels in the playlist is automatically updated and added newself after updating data channels on the site. Your favoriteinternet radio can be stored in the favorites list.Fast, easy, nice internet radio with useful features. Set playerfor listening to the radio.LuckyBox - Internet Radio - this is a very handy program to listenInternet radio (online-radio).The uniqueness of the player - to listen to low-speed Internetconnections. It used special coding flow, which allowed listeningto the radio on low speed Internet while maintaining the highestquality and low consumption of traffic. LuckyBox - Internet Radio -player for listening to the radio on a slow internet! The main differences LuckyBox - Internet Radio from others:Qualitative and interesting stationsEasy and fast search through the list of stationsWithout collecting information about user preferences-------
Pill Identifier 5.1
Psyberia Egregor
The easiest way to lookup drug information,identify pills, check interactions and set up your own personalmedication records. All mobile-optimized to speed up your browsingexperience.Need help to identify that pill?Worried about some capsules found in your teenager's room? Notsure about those leftover pills still in the bathroom cabinet?There's a good chance that our Pill Identification Wizard (PillFinder) can help you match the imprint, size, shape, or color andlead you to the detailed description in our drug database.As a general rule:Periodically check your medicine cabinets for expired,re-bottled, or unidentified pillsTo avoid confusion and mistakes, keep all medications in theiroriginal bottles or packets with pertinent labeling andinstructions attachedIf you do not find a match, contact your healthcare provider
Сонник Нострадамуса Full 1.0
Psyberia Egregor
Как считал знаменитый провидец, каждого изнаспосещают сны, в которых затрагиваются политическиепроцессы,социальные явления, судьбы страны и мира, а не тольконашисубъективные чувства и личные дела. Подобная глобальностьподходанаряду с другими факторами делают сонник Нострадамусасовершенноуникальным явлением.Considered as afamousseer, each of us dreams of visiting that addresspoliticalprocesses, social events, the fate of the country and theworld,and not only our subjective feelings and personal affairs.Such aglobal approach, along with other factors make the Dream BookofNostradamus completely unique.
Новостной Корреспондент 1.0
Psyberia Egregor
RSS - агрегатор для автоматическогосборановостей. Данная программа ознакомит Вас с самыми свежиминовостямидня. Просмотр анонса новости с доступным переходом насайтописанной новости.Возможности:Отправка новостей Вашим знакомым.Сохранение фоторепортажа. Просмотр видеоканала РИА НовостинаYouTubeСбор новостей по категориям:█ Видео РИА Новости█ Фоторепортажи█ Новости спорта█ Авто Новости█ Кино█ Музыка█ Игры█ Путешествия█ Здоровье█ Бизнес█ Дети█ Светская хроника█ Еда█ Мода и красота█ Дом и быт█ Наука и техникаRSS - aggregatortoautomatically collect news. This program will introduce you tothelatest news of the day. View news announcement withaffordabletransition to news website described.Features:News sent to your friend.Saving a photo essay. View video channel on YouTubeRIANovostiSyndicate by Category:█ Video RIA Novosti█ Photoreportings█ Sports News█ Auto News█ Movies█ Music█ Games█ Travel█ Health█ Business█ Children█ Secular Chronicle█ Food█ Fashion and Beauty█ House and Life█ Science and Technology